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ResellersPanel's Blog
Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for February 2023

Today we are sending out all commission payments for February 2023 to resellers that have met their release level.

WordPress Elementor Pro plugin exploit: How to keep your website safe

Тo mitigate potential threats, Elementor Pro users are recommended to update to 3.11.7 or 3.12.0 – the latest version, as soon as possible.

New Google Analytics (GA4) on the way – what you should know to keep data flowing

You may already be aware that Google Analytics is undergoing a major upgrade. From July 1st, 2023, only GA4 properties will be used to collect data for your website. Google encourages site owners to switch to GA4 tracking IDs for their properties as soon as possible in order to ensure seamless data flow. Learn more about GA4 and how to update your tracking code if you are using Store Master in our blog.
AlmaLinux OS option for dedicated servers

AlmaLinux 9 has been added to the list of OS options for dedicated servers and OpenVZ VPS’s

The AlmaLinux 9 Linux distribution is now available as an OS option for all dedicated server configurations on our platform. Learn more about AlmaLinux in our blog post.

WP-CLI is now supported on our cloud hosting platform

WP-CLI, a command line interface for WordPress is now fully supported on our cloud hosting platform, and on all dedicated servers and virtual servers that use the Hepsia panel.
New quick php settings in Control Panel

New PHP settings added to the Hepsia Control Panel

New, fast-access PHP settings have been added to the Control Panel. From now on, you can enable error_reporting, log_errors, and error_log with just a few clicks.

Upcoming cPanel reseller plans price update

In the face of skyrocketing licensing fees and data center bills, we are forced to adjust our cPanel reseller packages pricing accordingly. See the new prices in our blog post.
Key marketing objectives for 2023

Key marketing objectives for a prosperous 2023

With more than a month into 2023, here are a few marketing resolutions that could help fuel your reseller hosting business engine throughout 2023 and beyond.
.DK domain registration

.DK domain registrations and transfers on hold

We’ve temporarily stopped offering the .DK TLD due to the challenging process of obtaining and maintaining .DK domain names at the registry level. For this reason, starting today, .DK will no longer be part of your domain portfolio. We apologize for the inconvenience and reserve the right to restore .DK domains and transfers if the Read Full Entry
Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for December 2022

Today, we will be sending out all commission payments for December 2022 to resellers that have met their release level.

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