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Reseller Hosting Themes

GDPR May 25th

WordPress reseller hosting themes and the GDPR

May 25 is just a few days away, so we want to make sure that all our partners learn about what the GDPR is and how it will affect them and their customers.

More PDF service info brochures added to the Store Master theme

We’ve expanded the collection of PDF brochures and catalogs so as to cover the full range of web hosting services offered on your store. Learn more about the new additions from our blog:
PDF info brochures on Store Master

A set of PDF info brochures added to the Store Master theme

We’ve got another holiday gift for you: a set of PDF-based product brochures has been added to the Store Master theme. Now prospects can take a quick look at your portfolio. Learn more about this new marketing tool from our blog.
Store Master - edit-footer/menu/anguages

Footer & main menu updates to the Store Master theme

We have made some interface improvements to the Store Admin area of Store Master to help you manage your footer, menu and language versions more easily.
Store Master drop-down menu

Latest updates to the Store Master theme – drop-down menus and glossary pages

We’ve added drop-down menus and glossary pages to the Store Master theme to improve onsite-navigation and spoon-feed search engines with valuable content.

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