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ResellersPanel's Blog

cPanel Reseller Program

Another cPanel price hike from January 1st, 2024. Check out our new prices. 

cPanel is yet again raising their prices at the start of 2024. This forces us to update ours. Check out our blog post to see the new prices.

Upcoming cPanel reseller plans price update

In the face of skyrocketing licensing fees and data center bills, we are forced to adjust our cPanel reseller packages pricing accordingly. See the new prices in our blog post.

Why we switched to Litespeed for all cPanel Reseller servers?

We switched from Apache to Litespeed and now our cPanel servers run more efficiently. Lear more about this change and what it means for you as a reseller.
cPanel price hike

Forthcoming cPanel licence price hike and account-based pricing. What comes next?

cPanel is introducing a massive license price increase along with a per-account billing model which is going to hit hosting providers hard. While evaluating our business models to cope up with the newly-revised pricing, we’ve summed up the highlights of this essential change for you in our blog.
Important upgrades to the cPanel reseller program

Important security and customer management updates to the cPanel reseller program

Over the last few months, we’ve introduced a few important cPanel program updates to make managing your store and customers a lot easier for you. Check them out in our blog.

An option to install free SSL certificates enabled for cPanel resellers

We now support AutoSSL on our cPanel reseller platform, which allows you and your clients to install free SSL certificates on your domains. Learn more from our blog:

Attracta SEO Tools now available with all cPanel hosting plans

All our cPanel hosting packages under our cPanel Reseller Hosting program come with the Attracta SEO Tools. Learn more about them in our blog.
WHMCS with all cPanel plans

WHMCS now offered as an add-on with all cPanel plans

WHMCS – the all-in-one billing and support automation tool for online businesses, has been added to our reseller packages. Learn more from our blog.
Shared IPs for SSL on cPanel

SSLs on shared IPs for all cPanel services

Now cPanel users can also install an SSL on their sites by using a shared IP address. This is a great solution for securing a search engine-friendly https site without needing to buy a dedicated IP address beforehand.

How to stay competitive on the unlimited feature-hungry hosting market with our cPanel Program

See how we understand ‘unlimited’ hosting and how you can offer a truly users’ compliant service on this competitive hosting market through our cPanel Program.

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