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cPanel Reseller Program

New cPanel reseller hosting packages with unlimited space & traffic

Check out the new line of cPanel web hosting packages designed for the unlimited resource-hungry market.

A new Mini cPanel plan for startup businesses

The new Mini cPanel plan is a great spring-board solution for those of you who are now starting in the hosting business using cPanel.

All cPanel packages with doubled disk space quotas from today

We have doubled the disk space quotas of all cPanel hosting packages. A few new cPanel configurations are on the way, so stay tuned!

CloudFlare Plugin now available with cPanel/WHM Servers

The CloudFlare CDN Plugin now available with cPanel/WHM Servers. Learn more about CloudFlare and how it can benefit your websites.

UK data center available to cPanel hosting resellers

All cPanel web hosting resellers can now have a choice of data centers – our US data center or, as of this wheek, in our UK data center. Check the full post for more info.

cPanel reseller hosting plans upgrade

As promised, we have just finisher upgrading our cPanal reseller hosting plans – each of them now sports more disk space and traffic. The new specs are in the full post.

Domain prices for cPanel hosting resellers going down

Domain pricing for .COM, .NET, .ORG decrease for cPanel Hosting resellers. Learn more about this price change in our latest blog post.

A domain price increase affects the cPanel hosting resellers

Domain pricing for .COM, .NET, .ORG increase for cPanel Hosting resellers. Learn more about this price change in our latest blog post.

RV Skin Manager Configuration

In our last blog post in the cPanel tutorial series, I talked about the RV Skin Manager in general. It’s time to look deeper and see what is this software capable of.

The RV Skin Manager

Learn more about the RV Skin Manager and what it can do for you and your clients under the cPanel Resellers Program in our latest blog article.

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