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ResellersPanel's Blog

A new remote Plan Table Form added to the Reseller Control Panel

Now you can easily integrate the tech specs of the services offered on your custom-made hosting store(s) by using the new Remote Plan Table form.
httpoxy protection - managed servers

httpoxy – a CGI application vulnerability now under control on our servers

We’ve enabled automatic website and app protection against the httpoxy vulnerability for all managed solutions on our web hosting platform .
Dedicated servers in RAID

An option to configure disks in RAID added for dedicated server users

We’ve now added an option for clients to use disks in a RAID configuration and thus increase server performance. Learn more from our blog.
Free responsive WordPress themes in the Control Panel

135 new WordPress themes added to the Control Panel

We’ve just added a handful of free, fully responsive WordPress themes to the Web Hosting Control Panel. Learn more about them from our blog.
TLD promotions in August

A handful of hot summer TLD promotions on the table

Take advantage of super promo prices for the top country-code TLDs .IN and .US, and of up-to-84%-OFF discounts on popular nTLDs such as .TOP, .SITE, .WEBSITE and .XYZ. Learn how to enroll in the new promotions from our blog:

.SPACE now free with a web hosting plan

As of today, all hosting resellers under the Free Reseller Hosting program can offer .SPACE domain names for free with all cloud hosting packages. Learn how to enable .SPACE domain names for your online store in our blog post.
Dedicated servers storage upgrades

New storage configuration options now available for dedicated servers

We have just introduced storage upgrade options for the recently launched line of dedicated servers to make them more flexible and capable of meeting the ever-growing demands of your customers.
dotPT - the official domain for Portugal

.PT, the official TLD for Portugal, is now LIVE!

The official country-code domain for Portugal – .PT. has been launched on our domain reseller platform. Learn more from our blog.
Dedicated servers - new SSD-based

A fully revamped line of dedicated servers on our platform

Our line of dedicated servers has been revamped – we’ve added 8 new Intel configurations and scaled down the prices of the existing setups.
KVM and OpenVZ VPS summer promotions

A summer promo campaign is now ON: KVM and OpenVZ VPS packages at only $1/mo!

We’ve got some cool VPS promotions – the entry-level KVM plan and the 3 non-managed OpenVZ VPS setups are now available at only $1.00/mo. Learn more from our blog.

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