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cPanel Reseller Tutorials – Uploading files via the File Manager

In our previous cPanel reseller tutorials, we focused on the email functionality of the cPanel control panel. Today we start a new series of posts dedicated to the cPanel’s File Manager, prepared by Kevin Johnson from the Reseller Support team. Below you can see his first article, with several other to follow.

Upload site content via the File Manager


If you have already set up your email, you can communicate with the world. However, people will not be able to see your website until you upload it. There are two ways to upload content with the cPanel control panel – over an FTP connection or via the web tool, integrated into the Control Panel. And since the FTP transfer with cPanel does not differ from the FTP transfer with any other control panel, we will take a closer look at the file upload operation with the File Manager.

The File manager is available with all cPanel skins, but looks better with the X3 skin, so we will be using this one for our guide. It is located in the Files menu. When you click on it, a new window will pop up, asking what folder should be opened. Select the web root, since this will open directly your /public_html/ folder.

The File manager always opens in a new tab. This can allow you to manage your files, and keep the control panel open if you need other menus or information in the same time.

Now that you’re in the root of your website, you can upload files by clicking on the “Upload” button at the top of the screen. Then simply navigate to the files you wish to upload from your local computer and the process will start automatically.

The File Manager in cPanel also offers other functions, which are now typical for all web file managers, such as file and folder creation, file download, file copy, etc.

Perhaps the most useful feature is the “Extract feature”, which will allow you to un-zip a file, directly on the server. This way, if you have to upload a large application but don’t want to wait for every file to be uploaded into its folder, you can simply archive everything and then upload a single zip file, which you can later extract.

You can also Compress files on the server via the file manager, this way freeing some space AND keeping all your files on the server.

In our next post, Kevin will be taking a close look at file permissions, what they represent and how to edit them.

Originally published Friday, July 3rd, 2009 at 1:17 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under cPanel Support.

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One Response to “cPanel Reseller Tutorials – Uploading files via the File Manager”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » cPanel Reseller Tutorial – Upload files with cPanel Says:

    […] I was talking about uploading files with the cPanel control panel, I found a problem with the video tutorial, which was supposed to accompany the post – it had […]

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