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Daily backups – key highlights and selling points

The new daily backup option available in the Control Panel is a long-awaited and truly revolutionary feature that will make a great difference in the eyes of your existing and potential customers.

In this post, we’ll highlight the most noteworthy advantages of the Web Hosting Control Panel-integrated daily backups, so that you can more easily and effectively promote them to your audience.

1. The backups are intuitively accessible. There is no need for you to dig deep into the backup archive of your hosting account to find the backup that you need. Just right-click any host in the Hosted Domains section or the File Manager and restore its backup with a click of the mouse. There is absolutely nothing special about it. Now it is just a regular feature of the Control Panel.

2. The backups are made several times a day. By ‘daily backups’, many hosting providers understand ‘backups made once a day’. However, website management is a dynamic process, which involves lots of changes, so we make sure your sites are backed up at least 3 times a day. This way, the chances that some content updates may get lost along the way are brought to minimum.

3. The backups save you time. Now you do not need to wait for our administrators to restore your lost or corrupted files. Usually, waiting for your content to be restored may take from one to a few hours, depending on how busy our admins are at the moment. That’s how it goes with most hosting providers too. Well, the waiting is over, because you can now restore a backup at any moment, in less than 5 minutes, with only a click.

4. The backups are easily browsable. You can thumb through the backed-up files and folders in your hosting account just like you do with the files and folders in your File Manager. The archives are ordered by date and time, so you can easily navigate to the backup that you need. For now, we keep backups of your sites from the last 10 days.

5. The backups do not ‘steal’ from your account’s storage space. We make backups on separate servers, so the archives that you browse through in your account do not use your allocated disk space. No matter how big your sites are, we’ll back them up for you and store them remotely, so you do not need to worry about your storage usage.

6. The backups include emails and website files. You will have access to the full backup of all your emails and files. Usually, with other hosting providers your content will be restored only upon request. With us, you and your customers will have immediate access to both your sites and emails from within the Control Panel.

7. The backups may not overwrite your current content. We have included an option to save a copy of your current content when you restore a backup. For instance, if your blog has been hacked after the last backup and you have posted a new article with many images inside, you may want to restore it along with the backup of your whole blog. Simply copy the updated files to the restored backup and your site will be running back online in no time.

8. The backups are a unique feature offered by no one else. This is true! The option to restore your website content from a backup is not available with any of the big gorillas on the market – most hosting providers work with cPanel and DirectAdmin, neither of which offers such an option.

At the same time – the daily backups are a feature no user can go without. So, what a great chance to move one step ahead of the cookie-cutter competition with this revolutionary feature that your customers will just love!

Originally published Thursday, March 6th, 2014 at 3:07 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Web Hosting Platform, Hepsia Control Panel.


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