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Posts Tagged ‘control panel’

cPanel Control Panel alternatives Hepsia and DirectAdmin

A look back at how cPanel’s new pricing model changed the market and helped new alternatives shine through

We’re taking a quick look back at the event that changed the web hosting industry for good and at some of the viable cPanel alternatives that helped save the market by offering a choice. As a free reseller, you can offer these solutions to your own customers and be part of the new direction the web hosting industry is heading to. Learn more about the whole story from our new blog post.
How to test site performance - PDF tutorial

A PDF guide on how to test site performance enabled for free trial accounts

A step-by-step PDF tutorial has been added for free trial account to help users run their websites on our platform without having to actually transfer them over. Learn more from our blog.
DNSSEC enabled on our platform

DNSSEC enabled for domain names on our platform

We’ve enabled DNSSEC – a DNS query validation technology, for all .COM, .NET and .BIZ domains registered or hosted on our platform.
Live chat for Free Trial accounts

Live Chat support and an info brochure added for 30-day trial accounts

Newly signed-up users can now learn more about the recently introduced 30-day Free Trial option and get in touch with our Sales Department in real time.
Domain suggestion tool in the search form

A domain suggestion tool for .COMs and .NETs added to the search form

A domain suggestion tool has been added to the domain search form of your store and the Hepsia Control Panel to help boost the number of .COM/.NET registrations on your store.
Social Login enabled VPS’s, semi-dedicated and dedicated servers

Social login enabled for resellers and customers

The login pages of Hepsia and the Reseller Control Panel have been socialized, so you and your customers can now access your accounts through your social media profile(s).
How to make use of the .htaccess file

How to get the most of your .htaccess file

Check out which are the most common uses of the .htaccess file and how you can easily make it work on your own sites and apps.

How to make your site location-relevant with geo-targeting

What is geo-targeting and how you can use it to make your sites location relevant and fast performing.

Daily backups – key highlights and selling points

Check out the key selling points of the daily backups option that we integrated into the Hepsia Control Panel recently.

Why choose CentOS for your VPS/Dedicated Server?

In our latest blog article, we will go through the choice of an OS for a VPS or a Dedicated Server and the difference between the available choices.

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