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A domain suggestion tool for .COMs and .NETs added to the search form

Domain suggestion tool in the search form

Despite the growing number of TLD alternatives, .COM and .NET are still the online standard for both business and personal sites.

According to VeriSign, a new .COM domain is being registered nearly every second and almost 95% of the 5-character .COM combinations are still available. However, laying hands on а .COM or .NET name that best conveys the message of your site may be a challenge.

This is where the domain suggestion tool has proven useful and you can now take advantage of this functionality on our platform.

What is the domain suggestion tool about?

The domain suggestion tool is aimed at helping you select the best domain name for your site by offering a list of suggestions based around the keywords that you have specified in the domain registration form.

The tool is only applicable to .COM and .NET domain names and is deploying the VeriSign-developed Advanced Language Technology. It uses next-generation linguistic methods to sort and split a domain search query into the most likely concepts, and scours content from thousands of online sources every few minutes to incorporate the latest trends and topics into the suggestions it provides, so users can expect the most appropriate and creative site name ideas.

The suggestions given could be of help in two ways:

  • to give you an alternative when the keyword combination you want to register is unavailable;
  • to give you better ideas of how the keywords should be combined in your domain, which also includes adding some new well-ranked keywords, which may make you change your mind about the initial domain name choice and go with one of the suggested alternatives;  

How does the domain suggestion tool work?

When you conduct a domain search, right next to the regular search results, you will see a tab named ‘Domain Suggestions’:

Domain Suggestion tab added to the domain search form

Click on the tab and you will be presented with a list of catchy suggestions generated by our system on the basis of the main keywords listed in your domain request:

Domain Suggestion tab - list of suggestions

We’ll generate for you up to 20 suggestions per domain search request. Apart from the main keywords, we’ll also offer you numbers and hyphens, if you have included such in your search request:

Domain Suggestion tab - list of suggestions with hyphens

The domain suggestion tool on your store

The domain suggestion tool is readily integrated into the domain search form on the order page of your hosting store.

When conducting a domain search, your customers will be presented with a list of the top suggestions for their keywords:

Domain Suggestion tab on the order form

NOTE: For now, the domain suggestion tool is only available on the order form. We’ll soon add it to the domain search form on your product pages as well.

The domain suggestion tool in the Hepsia Control Panel

The domain search form in the left-hand pane in the Control Panel also offers quick access to a list of domain suggestions.

Just key in the words that describe your business or personal profile and our suggestion tool will generate a list of keyword-based suggestions:

Domain Suggestion tab in the Hepsia Control Panel

The domain suggestion tool in the Reseller Control Panel

The domain suggestion tool will also be very useful when you search for a noteworthy name for your new reseller hosting store.  

Specify the keywords you would like your store name to contain in the left-pane search form of the Reseller Control Panel and click on the Go button.

The Domain Suggestion tab will again be the source of fresh keyword-related ideas for your new store name:

Domain Suggestion tab in the Reseller Control Panel

 The domain suggestion functionality will also get into action for bulk domain name registrations.

Originally published Friday, February 20th, 2015 at 6:07 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Domain Names.

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