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Posts Tagged ‘dedicated servers’

Dedicated servers in RAID

An option to configure disks in RAID added for dedicated server users

We’ve now added an option for clients to use disks in a RAID configuration and thus increase server performance. Learn more from our blog.
Dedicated servers storage upgrades

New storage configuration options now available for dedicated servers

We have just introduced storage upgrade options for the recently launched line of dedicated servers to make them more flexible and capable of meeting the ever-growing demands of your customers.
Dedicated servers - new SSD-based

A fully revamped line of dedicated servers on our platform

Our line of dedicated servers has been revamped – we’ve added 8 new Intel configurations and scaled down the prices of the existing setups.
Per service and per package controls in the Coupon Generator

Per-service/per-plan discount controls added to the Coupon Code Generator

The Coupon Generator has been upgraded to support per-service and per-package discount controls. Read more on this significant upgrade from our blog.
Social Login enabled VPS’s, semi-dedicated and dedicated servers

A social login functionality with all VPSs, semi-dedicated and dedicated servers

The Hepsia Web Hosting Control Panel has been socialized for VPSs, semi-dedicated and dedicated servers too! Now your server hosting customers can log into their Control Panels via their social profiles.
FFmpeg installed on all servers

The FFmpeg application for video/audio conversion installed on our servers

The FFmpeg video/audio conversion application has been installed on our servers. Now you can optimize your multimedia content for optimum viewing experience.
Varnish - the web accelerator for content-heavy sites

Varnish – the web accelerator for content-heavy sites

See why Varnish is an advanced web acceleration tool that you should not be afraid of and how you can use it to drastically boost your sites’ and apps’ performance;

Service Uptime or how we ensure maximum availability for your sites and applications

Check out what measures we take to keep your sites and applications online. Learn more on the difference between service uptime and network uptime.

Service Scalability or how we help your customers grow their online presence

Learn more on how we understand service scalability and what we do to make users feel comfortable on our hosting platform as their sites grow.

Dedicated servers now cheaper

As of this week, all dedicated servers we now come at lower wholesale prices. Learn more about our price change.

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