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Service Scalability or how we help your customers grow their online presence

In our previous posts on what we do to make your customers’ sites successful online, we touched upon the topics of enhanced site security and boosted site loading speeds.

Now we’ll focus on another aspect of maintaining a successful website that every hosting provider should be responsible about – service scalability.

As active websites get hungry for more server power and resources every day, it is the flexibility of a service that will allow them to grow online.

In tune with the ever-growing users’ demands, we have centered our web hosting platform around full scalability, i.e. the capability to cope with and perform under an increased or expanding workload.

We have developed a full range of web hosting services covering the whole spectrum of possible online demands and have placed a special emphasis on the quick and easy transition from one service to another.

Our custom-built web hosting Control Panel lies at the heart of the trouble-free transition. It allows for a customer to quickly move up the staircase of website growth without needing to worry about shortage of resources.

The shared hosting solution is great…till a certain point in time

The cloud hosting packages cover the needs of a regular web presence – from small personal to mid-sized business websites. If a customer needs more websites to manage or databases to use, they can easily upgrade to a more feature-rich package. However, what if the resources offered even by the most powerful shared plan become insufficient?

Upgrading to a server solution

In most cases, upgrading from a regular cloud hosting package to an advanced server solution will require considerable time and effort on the user’s end – moving all the content for their site, updating all script configurations, adjusting the DNS settings for their domain name, testing if everything is working as it should be, etc.

With us, the transfer of the web content to the new server solution will be carried out by our technicians, so the user will not need to do anything on their end. It will take only an hour or so, before the user’s site is completely operational on the new server, as compared to hours and even days – if the user were to handle the tasks on their own.

Migrating to a semi-dedicated server

If a user on a shared hosting server starts managing more CPU-intensive sites, i.e. sites based on more sophisticated scripts that require large amounts of data to be processed in real time, they will have then outgrown the potentials of a regular shared hosting service and will need to move to a server solution. This may sound like a hard task to handle. However, on our platform, users can upgrade from a shared account to a semi-dedicated server setup with a click of the mouse, just like they upgrade from a Starter to a Business shared hosting package, for example.

Migrating to a Virtual Private Server

On a semi-dedicated server, the user avails of lavish database size and CPU usage quotas. However, sites with multimedia-rich content and complex backend architecture will need more RAM resources to process user requests during peak traffic times. This is where the virtual hosting solution can come in real handy.

Through the Hepsia Control Panel, each user will be able to move on to a virtual private server setup with a click of the mouse, no matter if they have a shared web hosting or a semi-dedicated server package.

Migrating to a dedicated server

Moving to a dedicated server may still sound complicated and time-consuming. However, thanks to the Hepsia Control Panel, migrating to a dedicated server is just as easy as moving from a shared hosting account to a semi-dedicated solution, for example. It takes just a click for the user to request a platform upgrade and leave the rest to our support team. In most cases, the transfer to a dedicated server will require about one hour, depending on the size and complexity of the transferred content.

All in all, we have built an easily scalable platform that allows your customers’ web presence to grow. So, if you have only focused on offering shared hosting packages or Virtual Private Servers to your customers, maybe it’s time you offered them another choice?

Originally published Friday, April 25th, 2014 at 4:53 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Web Hosting Platform.

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