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cPanel reseller tutorials – working with the WHM (part 3)

In our previous post dedicated to the WHM, I showed you how to create a hosting package. Now it’s time to go to the most important part – creating a web hosting account!

To create a new account, use the “Create a new account” function of your WHM. The access path is Main >>Account Functions >> Create a New Account.

To create a new cPanel account via your WHM Administration Panel, you can follow this quick step by step tutorial:

1. Type in a domain name for the account.

2. Click the TAB button on your keyboard. The cPanel software will put a name on the account. You can change the automatically assigned account name (cPanel usually combines the first up to 5 domain name letters with the domain’s TLD – cPanel account names can have up to 8 digits only).

3. Set a hard to guess password. Do not use dictionary words unless requested by the client. The safest password is the one which has more than 6 digits. It must not be human readable. We recommend that you use the integrated cPanel Password Generator.

4. Set a contact email for the account you are creating. This is the administrative contact email for the cPanel account – all account related information (FTP accounts, MySQL databases, etc.) will be sent out to that email address.

5. Choose a package you will be assigning to the account. From the Packages drop-down menu you can select the needed package.

6. Checking the Select Options Manually box will allow you to choose what resources to assign to that particular account.

7. You can assign the account’s default cPanel Theme (X3 is the default one) and the default language from the Settings table.

8. At the DNS Settings section you can either have the DNS Server to look the master DNS Zone for the domain name at it’s Registrar and use the Name Servers specified there (activated by checking the box) or use the default Name Servers which on our Servers look like: and, depending on the server your reseller account is located on. Click the blue colored “CREATE” button.

Congratulations! Your cPanel account has just been created!

Originally published Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 at 8:51 am, updated July 4, 2024 and is filed under cPanel Support.

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