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cPanel reseller tutorials – working with the WHM (part 2)

In our last tutorial, we learnet what ar the ways to login into the WHM. Now it’s finally time to get some work done – craete your first hosting pakcage!

Prior to creating a cPanel account, you need to set up a package. The packages are just like web hosting plans – to create a package you will have to specify its features, such as disk space and traffic usage. To add a package, go to the Packages section and click the link “Add Packages” (the path is Main >> Packages >> Add Packages).

Adding the new package is an easy task. What matters is to pick the optimal web hosting configuration and integrate it into a competitive web hosting package for your future clients. The set of features on your left can be easily described by a step by step tutorial on how to create your first package.

1. Name the package – make sure you thus name your package so that you can easily refer to it when needed (although this is only the system name of the package, it is recommended that you name it in the same way as the product, which you will present to the end clients).

2. The next thing is to start setting up all account resources:
* Quota / the maximum disk usage per account – 0 is unlimited. Note that the field expects MB, so if you want to restrict the usage to 5 GB, you have to set 5000 in the Quota field/
Bandwidth / the maximum traffic usage per account – 0 is unlimited. Note that the field expects MB, so if you want to restrict the usage to 5 GB, you have to set 5000 in the Bandwidth field/
* Max FTP Accounts / the maximum FTP accounts per account – 0 is unlimited/
* Max Email Accounts / the maximum email boxes per account – 0 is unlimited/
* Max Databases / the maximum MySQL databases per account – 0 is unlimited/
* Max Parked Domains / the maximum parked domains per account – 0 is unlimited/
* Max Addon Domains / the maximum addon domains per account – 0 is unlimited/

3. Now that you have applied the account’s resource usage settings, you can set up some additional settings such as CGI Access (check the box in case you wish to allow CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script execution for this package). You can also choose the default cPanel Theme (X3 is the default one on newer cPanel platforms, but you can choose between RvSkin themes as well). Leave the feature list field to default and proceed with setting up the default package language. Setting the default language will allow clients to log into their accounts and see the entire contents (translated by professionals) presented in their native language. Click the blue colored “ADD” button to finish setting up your package.

In our next tutorial, I will show you how to create a cPanel account from the WHM.

Originally published Saturday, November 7th, 2009 at 2:58 pm, updated July 4, 2024 and is filed under cPanel Support.

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2 Responses to “cPanel reseller tutorials – working with the WHM (part 2)”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » cPanel reseller tutorials – working with the WHM (part 3) Says:

    […] Log in « cPanel reseller tutorials – working with the WHM (part 2) […]

  2. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » cPanel reseller tutorials – working with the WHM (part 4) Says:

    […] our previous posts we showed you how to log into the WHM, how to create a hosting package and how to create a hosting account. Now that we have all that covered, it’s time to turn our […]

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