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ResellersPanel's Blog

Video Tutorials added in the Web Hosting Control Panel

Today, our web hosting control panel received a much needed improvement! Click on the news title to find out more!

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – Remote MySQL connections

Today, we will be looking at one of the most interesting features of the cPanel control panel, which can become very useful in the right hands – the remote MySQL.

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – create new MySQL database

Today, our focus turns to MySQL and the cPanel control panel, and more specifically, on how to create a new database. Detailed video and step-by-step tutorials are available in the full post.

June reseller commissions sent today!

I’m pleased to announce that the free reseller hosting commissions for June were sent today! Check the full post for details.

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – MySQL databases

MySQL databases are something very useful and you just have to have MySQL with your web hosting account. But, what is MySQL? Today, our own support supervisor is here with a great article on MySQL, SQL and databases in general.

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – Uploading files with a FTP client

Having trouble uploading your files with the cPanel control panel? Have no fear, for ResellersPanel is here with a new tutorial, showing you how to upload files into a cPanel account via an FTP client!

cPanel reseller tutorials – creating FTP accounts

Today we will be exploring the FTP capabilities of the cPanel Control Panel, so check our last post to find out how to create a new FTP account, what are the proper FTP login credentials and what exactly is “Limited FTP access”.

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – include() and require()

Eager to improve your PHP knowledge? Me and Kevin Johnson from the reseller support team have prepared a simple guide into two very useful PHP functions – include() and require().

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – File Permissions in cPanel

If you know what File permissions are and are eager to start playing with then, you can check our current post, which will show you how to modify the file permissions with the cPanel control panel.

cPanel Reseller Tutorial – Upload files with cPanel

Check out our latest cPanel video tutorial, showing you how to upload files with the cPanel Control Panel!

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