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ResellersPanel's Blog

Hepsia Control Panel pre-release preview

I’m glad to present you with a video presentation of our brand new web hosting control panel – the Hepsia Control Panel!

How to avoid the “Internal Server Error 500”

The work week may be almost over, but it’s never too late to learn something new, which can help you build a better website. Check our guide on how to solve a “Server Error 500” error message.

Why choose CentOS for your VPS/Dedicated Server?

In our latest blog article, we will go through the choice of an OS for a VPS or a Dedicated Server and the difference between the available choices.

Learn how to use SSH

Learn on SSH – see how you can more efficiently manage your VPS or Dedicated Server using the server’s root access and command line.

Protect a server against brute force attacks

This week we focus on online security – learn how to secure your Virtual Private or Dedicated server against brute force attacks with the help of our latest blog post.

PHP, Perl and Python updates

In the course of the following weeks, all of our servers will be updated with newer PHP, Perl and Python versions. Find out more about this in our latest blog article.

Sell sole domain name registrations with the Free Reseller Program

Start selling sole domain name registrations and transfers with the Free Reseller Program! Check our newest blog post to find out how to activate this new feature.

Recent problems with PHP scripts

If you are having problems with a PHP script, hosted on our SupremeCenter servers, check out our latest blog post for a possible solution.

Managed Services with VPS Servers (Video)

In our latest video, we present the Managed VPS Services, where our administrators and support team will monitor your server and assist you with difficult issues.

DirectAdmin Control Panel Video

Check our latest video, focused on the DirectAdmin Control Panel. See how you can get this control panel for free with Dedicated or VPS servers.

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