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ResellersPanel's Blog

Hepsia Control Panel File Manager [Video]

We have a new control panel (Hepsia) and a new file manager to go with it. Check out our latest video, showing you the new features of the Hepsia File Manager!

The beta version of the Hepsia Control Panel is here!

The Hepsia Control Panel has now reached Beta status and it’s open for everyone to try it out! Learn more in our latest blog post with video & screenshots.

What’s coming next ResellersPanel

Find out what we have prepared to release during the course of the following weeks – check out our latest blog post.

A Free Dedicated IP with the Enterprise Plan

The Enterprise Shared Web Hosting plan and the Semi-Dedicated 1 & 2 servers now come with a Free Dedicated IP Address. More in our latest post.

Create custom web hosting plans with unlimited resources

Learn how to create custom web hosting plans with unlimited resources, thanks to our Liquid Plan Builder. Tutorial video in our latest post.

Unlimited resources and features with the web hosting plans

Shared web hosting plans now come with unlimited resources and features. We are also introducing a new hosting plan – the Starter.

FrontPage extensions module updated

The FrontPage Extensions (FPE) module has been updated on all production servers. Find out what’s new in our latest blog post.

Template videos now available for embedding

Have you see the videos we made for the reseller templates? If you like them, now you can use them on your own custom site! Learn how in our latest blog post.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have taken time to answer some of the most common questions our resellers ask us. Find out the answers in our latest blog post.

Semi-dedicated servers now with unlimited MySQL storage space

All Semi-Dedicated, provided by ResellersPanel now come with unlimited MySQl storage! Find out more about this in our latest blog post.

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