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Create custom web hosting plans with unlimited resources

Earlier this week, we converted our shared web hosting plans to use unlimited resources and we also introduced a brand web hosting offer – the Starter hosting plan.

However, there is one more thing that we did, which is of equal importance – we modified our Liquid Plan Builder so that now every reseller can create his own custom web hosting plan with “unlimited” features.

We have prepared a special video to show you how you can create a brand new custom web hosting plan with unlimited hosting features.

The price of the “unlimited” features in the plan builder is set to $0.00. When setting the disk space and traffic quotas, you will also notice that the pricing above 10 000 MB of disk space and 100 GB of traffic is, again, set to $0.00. We have noticed that plans with less disk space and less traffic sell less in comparison to hosting plans with higher or “unlimited” features. This way, we hope that more and more resellers will adopt this approach, attracting more customers to their hosting stores.

Originally published Friday, September 17th, 2010 at 7:16 am, updated July 5, 2024 and is filed under Latest News, The Free Reseller Program.

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