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Email storage quota upgrades now available in the Hepsia Control Panel

Email storage upgrade

Maintaining your mailboxes’ “hygiene” has always been vital to making sure that your emails are delivered to your inbox on time.

However, due to the difficulty of deciding which emails should stay or go, or for purely sentimental reasons, oftentimes users’ inboxes get clogged and thus miss out on important messages.

We are now introducing a solution for that, namely a Hepsia Control Panel-integrated email storage quota upgrade option.

What is the email storage quota upgrade about?

The newly added option will allow users to upgrade the current default mailbox storage quota with a click from the Control Panel.

The new ‘Email storage’ option is available in the ‘Upgrades’ section of the Control Panel:

Email storage upgrade in the Control Panel

Users will be able to select from 20 GB up to 200 GB of extra email storage space, which will be added atop the current mailbox storage space pertaining to the given web hosting account.

For example, if a user chooses to add 20 GB atop their default mailbox storage quota (40 GB for the Starter, Business and Corporate plans and 60 GB for the Enterprise plan), then their account will be entitled to a total of 60 GB of email storage space.

The email storage quota upgrades are calculated on a monthly basis and are valid until the expiration date of the given hosting account.

NOTE: If you or your customers need space for file storage purposes rather than for storing email messages, you should consider the binary storage upgrade service that we added some time ago for this specific purpose exclusively.

How do I set prices for the new upgrade service?

You can set a custom price for an upgrade service from the ‘Upgrade services’ section of the Resellers Control Panel:

Email storage upgrade - pricing

From there, you can easily set your own prices for all upgrade options that are available on our web hosting platform.

The mailbox storage upgrade option will add scalability to our web hosting services and will help your clients easily find a way out, should their needs outgrow their current email storage quotas.

Originally published Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016 at 4:10 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Hepsia Control Panel.


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