A sneak peek into the upcoming year-end releases

Here, at ResellersPanel, we’ve been working hard on a few projects, which will hopefully see the light of day until the end of 2017.
While our administrators and managers were busy troubleshooting the data center outage issue and figuring out ways to ensure the long-term stabilization of our system, the creative team members put their heart and soul into completing ongoing projects that brook no delay.
Here’s a quick overview of what to expect from ResellersPanel in the upcoming months:
A fully revamped Hepsia Control Panel
The Hepsia Control Panel is the most important point of contact between your customers and your services.
The more intuitively organized and user-friendly it is, the better, because even if you are offering the best customer service in the world, if your clients need to use a compass to find their way around, it will be hard for you, if not impossible, to engage them and to keep them coming back.
Crafting an effortless-to-use Control Panel was our main objective when we started working on the Hepsia project a decade and a half ago.
It took several years of development and testing until we reached the sought-after balance between user-friendliness and technical complexity.
Yours and your customers’ feedback was a valuable guiding light during the whole process.
The result of our mutual effort was a custom-crafted, user-centered Control Panel solution that could help you stand out in the cookie-cutter web hosting market.
We kept our ears open for your feedback, but we also kept track of the then-current UI trends.
The Hepsia Control Panel’s minimalist design and aesthetic color palette inspired us to embark on its redesign.
We’ve been working hard on this project throughout 2017 and will soon release its beta version.
Following is a sneak peek at what the newly revamped interface will look like:
A touched-up dashboard design
The new dashboard will build upon Hepsia’s time-proven look and feel, but will also offer a smooth, fresh appearance.
The separate sidebar boxes will be merged into one element for a more complete perception.
The body itself will be completely rearranged. The selection of icons will become more concise (the most-used icons will be included) and a summary of the invoices issued to the customers will be displayed.
The header area will be tweaked for a cleaner presentation of the various options included there.
New CSS-based effects for the important tasks
We’ve tried to shy away from popup windows so as to keep the working environment simple.
Now all basic options, including adding a hosted domain or creating a mailbox, will be accompanied by smooth CSS-based effects.

The main dashboard window will be flipped aside and the user will be able to focus on the action being performed.
A fully responsive design
Hepsia will finally be fully responsive!
We admit that the mobile version was far from perfect, which is why we redirected our efforts toward developing a fully responsive one.
The purpose of the simplification of the desktop version’s design was namely to ensure a smoother transition between different devices.
Domain ownership certificates for newly transferred domain names
Less than a week ago, we released a set of branded domain ownership certificates aimed at substantiating the ownership of a given domain name in a visually appealing way.
For the time being, these certificates can only be delivered to customers of yours who have registered a new domain name, renewed an existing one or modified their Whois contact details.
We will soon start issuing domain ownership certificates to customers of yours who have transferred their domains over to us as well.
The implementation of this plan requires more time due to the registry-related specificities of the different country-code TLDs.
And with the complete set of multi-occasion branded domain ownership certificates at hand, you will be able to increase your brand awareness even further.
We’d like to thank you for being a part of our community in both good and bad times and to assure you that we have taken all necessary measures to minimize any eventual problems with the system.
A significant hardware upgrade is already well underway and will soon be completed altogether.
As always, we’ll keep you updated on any new releases and service improvements.
Originally published Friday, October 13th, 2017 at 2:55 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Web Hosting Platform, Hepsia Control Panel, Latest News, Domain Names.