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The .ME domain extension now 30% cheaper on our platform

.ME domain extension for personal branding

The most personal Top-Level Domain – .ME, is now cheaper on our platform and you can offer it to your customers at a more attractive price.

The .ME domain name extension adds a captivating individual touch to your online identity and offers endless personal branding opportunities.

Learn more about the significance of the .ME TLD and the latest price update from our post.

.ME domain name – some history and facts

.ME is the official country-code Top-Level Domain for Montenegro.

It was assigned to Montenegro after the latter had gained independence from Serbia and Montenegro in 2006.

The ISO 3166-1 two-letter code “ME” itself was allocated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), since most other possible abbreviations of Montenegro like MO, MN, MT, MG and MR had already been taken.

ICANN delegated the .ME domain name extension to the Government of Montenegro in September 2007.

The Montenegro-based joint venture doMEn d.o.o. was selected as the official registry operator.

On 6 May 2008, the General Sunrise period for all eligible trademark holders worldwide began, and two months later, registration was made widely available.

In under 10 years, the .ME ccTLD has become the most common choice for personal sites. 

Despite its initial purpose, the official Montenegrin ccTLD quickly captured worldwide attention thanks to its lexical and phonetic coincidence with the English personal pronoun ‘me’.

.ME domain extension - registrar

.ME was quickly recognized as the perfect personal namespace by the Internet community and the increase in .ME domain registrations was largely due to registrants from abroad.

The possibility to combine verbs with a personal noun created many domain-coining opportunities for registrants.

Domains like BUY.ME, DESIGN.ME, STREAM.ME, READ.ME, INSURE.ME, JUDGE.ME, etc. were seized immediately, with lots of other combinations still remaining unexplored.

The .ME extension is excellent for creating domain hacks in English and, to a lesser extent, in Dutch.

Figures show that 71% of all .ME domain names were registered in the United States.

Why register a .ME domain?

Building and managing a personal identity online is just as important as managing a brand.

This is why, going with the right domain extension from the very start will help underline your personality much better.

Whether you are planning to start a blog, a photo album or a splash page, the combination between your name and the .ME domain extension will make your personal brand stand out.

On its site, the .ME registry has highlighted the main reasons for choosing a .ME domain for your personal site:

.ME domain extension - reasons to register

Here they are in a nutshell:

  • .ME is the most personal TLD on the market; It is shorter and way more illustrative than the generic .NAME, and is still a favorite choice for personal sites even after the launch of specialized nTLDs like .BLOG and .PHOTO, for example;
  • .ME is ‘intimate’, unique and easy to remember;
  • .ME is short, sweet and most probably – still available with your specific name or personal initiative;
  • .ME is the right extension for personalizing your startup brand and for making it stand out from the crowd;
  • You can get your individual, .ME-based online experience featured on the registry’s blog and thus earn more exposure for your personal brand for free;

The .ME registry has made a catchy video on the importance of choosing .ME for your personal site or personal touch-spiced business web presence:

How will the new .ME cost affect your pricing?

The .ME price reduction that we managed to achieve through a new partnership will allow you to offer ‘personal domain names’ to your prospects from around the world at a really competitive price.

Due to the substantial price drop, we have updated the prices set by both our new and existing partners to the new retail levels.

To finetune your retail price to meet the desired profit margin, go to your Reseller Control Panel and edit the current default retail price:

.ME domain extension - set price

How to enable .МЕ on your store?

If you do not offer .ME on your store, you can enable the extension with a click from My Offers -> Domain Offers.

.ME domain extension - enable on store

NOTE: Please keep in mind that, due to the registrar partnership change, all existing .ME promotions will be terminated in exchange for a lower long-term .ME domain registration price.

Originally published Wednesday, May 31st, 2017 at 4:44 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Domain Names.

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