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cPanel Reseller Tutorials – File Permissions in cPanel

In my last cPanel tutorials post, I went over the file permissions in Unix-based systems in general, which will save me the need to write the customary intro text for this post. So, without further ado, check our newest video tutorial of how to change the file permissions of a file in the cPanel control panel and the step-by-step guide below.

The first step after you log in is to go to the File Manager – this is the place from where you can modify a file’s permissions. In the File Manager, simply navigate to the file or folder you wish to modify, mark the checkbox next to it, and click on the “Change Permission” icon in the navigation bar at the top. A pop-up will come, asking you for the needed permissions.

Another way is to simply type in the new permissions in the last column (“Perms”) of the File Manager.

As you can see, it’s as simple as that.

Originally published Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 at 1:59 pm, updated July 3, 2024 and is filed under cPanel Support.

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