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Sell VPS, Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers from your reseller store

Finally, one of our most anticipated innovations is here – all hosting resellers under the Free Reseller Program can now sell Virtual Private Servers, Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers on their respective online stores.

vps and dedicated servers on a reseller template

The sections where one could set prices for these services have been accessible from inside the Reseller Control Panel for months now and you can finally put them to good use. Don’t forget to change the default prices – otherwise you will not gain profit from the sale of any of the dedicated hosting services. And don’t forget to put prices on the service upgrades – these upgrades are available for each hosting service via the Dedicated Plan Manager, the new billing/domain Control Panel tool.
The new services are also available to our clients via the remote order forms and the API.

vps and dedicated servers on the order form

Also, don’t forget to check out the new Terms of Service and Acceptable Use policies for each of the new hosting services available in the Terms & Conditions section.
If you run into any kind of issues and problems while working with the new hosting services, let us know by submitting a support ticket from your Reseller Control Panel.

Originally published Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 at 2:58 pm, updated July 4, 2024 and is filed under The Free Reseller Program.

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2 Responses to “Sell VPS, Dedicated Servers and Semi-Dedicated Servers from your reseller store”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » Dedicated hosting services now part of the Free Reseller Program (Video) Says:

    […] I was able to find some time yesterday and shoot a new video, which will showcase the latest major update to the Free Reseller Program – the release of the Virtual Private Servers, Semi-Dedicated Servers […]

  2. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » API Documentation Updated Says:

    […] the inclusion of dedicated hosting solutions (Dedicated Servers, Semi-Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Servers) as part of the Free Reseller […]

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