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Use your custom reseller logo with the Hepsia Control Panel

If you have recently logged inside the Reseller Control Panel and browsed its sections, then you have noticed our latest improvement – the resellers can now upload a custom logo and use it inside the Hepsia Control Panel.

At the moment, we offer two options – a custom logo with a fixed height of 70px, which will be displayed in the upper right corner of the Control Panel, or a bigger logo, which will function as a background for the index page of the Control Panel. If you choose the second option, you will also be able to set the opacity of the image – higher opacity means smaller transparency, and lower opacity means bigger transparency.

From the same place, you can also choose the default theme for the Control Panel – currently, we have 5 available themes. These themes will change only the colors of the Hepsia Control Panel – the menu arrangement and the functionality will remain the same. Choosing any of them will not restrict the customers from choosing a different color theme if they want.

These new functions are accessible via the “Store Settings” menu, “Clients CP” tab, and apply only to our new Hepsia Control Panel – if your customers are still using the old Control Panel, they will not notice anything.

Tips :

  • When using a bigger logo as a background image, use an image with the logo only and no background. If there is a solid background, it will be displayed, creating an unpleasant effect.
  • When setting up a new control panel logo, don’t forget to include your reseller brand name in the logo – this way your customers will know that they are dealing with you. This will further increase your reseller anonymity.
Originally published Friday, December 10th, 2010 at 2:41 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Latest News, The Free Reseller Program.

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One Response to “Use your custom reseller logo with the Hepsia Control Panel”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » Generated content for new websites Says:

    […] reseller and to his Hepsia Control Panel demo, so it will be a good idea to have your demo account customized with your company’s logo. The content for each page – both the text and the banners – is unique and is being generated […]

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