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Posts Tagged ‘Hepsia control panel’

Hepsia Control Panel Statistics widget - 48h stats tab

Hepsia’s Statistics widget now presents data in a more informative way

The Control Panel’s Statistics widget has undergone several updates aimed at improving its user-friendliness. Learn more in our blog post.
ResellersPanel 2019 in review

ResellersPanel’s 2019 in review

Check out our quick overview of the achievements and challenges of last year and learn about the features, upgrades and improvements that will see the light of day in 2020.

A brand new Site Builder integrated into the Web Hosting Control Panel

The new Site Builder is now live. It is designed to save both newbies and advanced users excessive website development costs and let them take full control of their websites. It offers a super-intuitive dashboard, a variety of sleek, fully responsive themes, a wealth of customization options and a comprehensive Help Center.
2017 in review - ResellersPanel

ResellersPanel’s highlights of 2017

With the New Year fast approaching, here is a review of the initiatives and service improvements that we managed to complete in 2017.
Dedicated servers - backup space

Dedicated servers face a significant backup space upgrade

Аll dedicated server configurations coming with the Hepsia Control Panel now sport pumped-up backup space quotas. Learn more from our blog:
Python hosting

A new Python Manager is now available in the Control Panel

We’ve added a Python Manager section in the Control Panel from where you can edit the current Python version for your projects. Check out our new blog post and learn how to set up a Python-based CMS on our servers.
Git hosting enabled on our servers

Git support enabled on our servers

We’ve enabled the latest source release of the powerful Git version control system on our servers. Learn how to create a Git repository on our servers using SSH.
Supervisor in the Control Panel

Supervisor – a new dev-friendly Hepsia Control Panel functionality

Supervisor – the new Hepsia Control Panel-integrated tool will allow you to run background processes/programs in your web hosting account.

The Hepsia Control Panel goes mobile

After months of extensive testing and interface adjustments, we have finally released the mobile version of the Web Hosting Control Panel.
Hepsia cloud hosting platform vs mainstream solutions

Hepsia vs the mainstream client-centric cloud hosting platforms

Check out how our custom-built Hepsia cloud hosting platform fares against the paid mainstream solutions on the market.

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