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Hepsia control panel file manipulation

I have another video from our new and soon-to-be released Hepsia Web Hosting Control Panel. In the introduction video we showed how the new control panel will look, now we will show you our brand new file manager, which has been reworked from ground zero. Our developers received a huge list of needed improvements, gather from our support team, based on both their and user feedback and have done their best to create a top-class control panel.

Hepsia File Manager :

Originally published Thursday, July 8th, 2010 at 7:21 am, updated July 5, 2024 and is filed under Latest News.

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One Response to “Hepsia control panel file manipulation”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » The beta version of the Hepsia Control Panel is here! Says:

    […] brand new Control Panel in the works – we have showed you several videos (file upload and general file manipulations) and screen shots. We’ve been receiving inquiries about when it will be available to the general […]

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