Upcoming price increase on shared hosting plans and selected TLDs

For over 20 years now, RеsellersPanel has been supporting your hosting business with a stable, secure, and high-performance reseller hosting platform.
A platform that provides you, our partners, with a reliable foundation for your web hosting brand, offering a cost-performance ratio that is hard to beat.
However, the soaring global inflation rates and energy prices over the last few years have had a significant impact on all industries, including web hosting.
In October 2022, inflation in Europe surged to 11.5%, and there was a significant increase of nearly 40% in energy expenses.
So far, we’ve managed to avoid adjusting our prices due to our effective energy cost management. In fact, we haven’t changed our prices for over 15 years!
Since prices are unlikely to drop or stabilize anytime soon, we will be forced to raise the wholesale costs of our basic hosting services to maintain our price/performance ratio.
Which service will be affected by the upcoming price adjustment?
Starting May 14th, 2024, the prices of our standard, cloud web hosting packages will go up by a maximum of 10%.
Below is a list of our shared hosting packages that will be affected by the price change, along with the corresponding price increase:

In addition, the maximum price levels for the web hosting packages will be updated accordingly.
Several domain extensions will also be affected by the price change campaign, including:
- selected domain extensions that are provided at a reduced price when bundled with a web hosting package;
- selected domain extensions offered for free with a web hosting plan (.DE and .NL will be excluded from the plan + domain bundle list);
- specific nTLDs, which have undergone a noticeable price adjustment at the registry level recently (this change will affect cPanel reseller partners as well).
See a full list of the new TLD prices here >>
NOTE: Web hosting and domain users will be charged the new rates only at the time of renewal i.e. after the existing subscription ends.
How will prices be updated and how will your customers be informed?
First, we are going to modify the pricing at the wholesale level and then proceed with updating the retail prices on your stores.
Throughout this process, we will ensure that the pre-defined profit margin for each specific web hosting plan or top-level domain (TLD) is maintained.
Recurring contracts for web hosting plans and TLDs will be modified within a few days following the price increase.
Considering the relatively small price increase for web hosting plans, you may choose to absorb the cost with your profits, by reverting the retail price to pre-update levels on May 14th, or leave it as it is.
Due to this flexibility, it is up to you whether or not you want to communicate this change to your customers.
As for the adjustments in domain prices, we will notify your customers through the standard ticketing system procedure in the upcoming weeks.
What impact will the rise in prices have on the quality of our services?
There is no doubt that we will continue to evolve and improve our services as we have in the past.
With the upcoming price adjustment, we will be able to invest in cutting-edge infrastructure, advanced security measures, and the exceptional support service you have come to expect from us.
Also, we will keep investing in in-house development and continue to offer new features for end customers as well as products to enhance the reseller hosting experience for our partners.
Actually, there are already some upcoming and thrilling improvements in the pipeline, so keep an eye out for our forthcoming announcements.
We thank you for your understanding and support. Your business is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to continuing to collaborate in the future.