.NL domain names now free with a web hosting plan

One of the most popular ccTLDs on the planet – .NL, has been added to the list of free domain names on our platform.
Starting from today, you’ll be able to promote .NL domains as free add-ons to your cloud web hosting packages and at the same time to boost the value of your hosting services in the eyes of the lucrative Dutch audience.
The .NL TLD – the history behind its popularity
Back in 1986, .NL was one of the first ccTLDs to be introduced on the domain market. It was first managed by the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science and was available for free to universities and research departments of large companies.
Ten years later, in 1996, .NL was handed over to the Foundation for Internet Domain Registration in the Netherlands, which became the official .NL registry and began operating on a commercial basis.
As a registry, SIDN has a quite uncommon distribution network of partnering registrars, most of them being ISPs, IT service bureaus, media service bureaus, as well as a few large enterprises with different brand names, which is considered a pure phenomenon in the domain name industry.
.NL was made available to the general public in 2003. Thanks to its positive image as a scientific research domain, long presence on the domain market and an ever-growing community of supporters, .NL has become one of the most popular country-code TLDs.
It has been ranked 9th in the quarterly VeriSign Domain Name Industry Brief of March 2015, after the .de, .cn, .uk and .ru TLDs.
Why promote .NL domain names to your customers?
Today, almost 40% of all .NL domain names are registered by individuals and this number keeps growing. The .NL TLD is open for registration to every business, organization and individual in the world, which allows you to address a large market of local and international companies wanting to represent their business in the Netherlands.
How to enable .NL as a free domain option on your store?
.NL domains are included by default in the reseller hosting portfolios of those of you who have chosen to offer a free domain name with any of your shared hosting plans.
You can see the .NL extension listed in the Domain and Hosting Prices section of the Reseller Control Panel (under My Offers). From there, you can also edit the profit that you will receive.

If you haven’t made use of the free-domain-name-with-a-plan option, you can enable it from the Shared Hosting Offers section of the Reseller Control Panel. Just click on the name of the preferred plan and click on the orange Free Domain icon. It will turn green to confirm that the selected hosting plan now includes a free domain name.
Originally published Wednesday, May 27th, 2015 at 4:58 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under The Free Reseller Program, Domain Names.Tags: Domain Names, domain reseller, tld extensions, ccTLDs