Password Setup interface added for new web hosting accounts

Password transmission over email has always been a hot topic for security-sensitive users and this is so for a reason – password smugglers are getting smarter in inventing new ways of stealing private information.
We’ve addressed this issue by moving passwords out of welcome emails and by implementing a password setup interface for first-time customers.
The interface will be applicable to both new hosting account signups and to situations when users request to reset their passwords.
A Password Setup interface for new customers
From today, welcome emails sent to newly registered users will feature special instructions on how to set up their hosting account passwords on their own:

Through a special link, they will be taken to a secure page where they can set up their web hosting account password:

After they type their password in the two fields following the password strength tips that we have included in the form, they will be able to log into their hosting accounts immediately.
The password they set through the form will be also be valid for the FTP account, which is created for the user at signup.
A Password Setup interface for resetting passwords
The password setup form can also be used in cases of password changes. When a customer requests to reset their password from the login form of the Web Hosting Control Panel, they will be sent an email notification, which will forward them to the same password setup form:

After filling out the form, the user will be instantly logged into the Control Panel with the new password.
NOTE: Since the hosting account password will not be readily available to the user in a written form anymore, users will be recommended to instantly save their passwords in the browser or use a password management tool.
Originally published Friday, October 10th, 2014 at 12:04 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Hepsia Control Panel.Tags: web hosting, web hosting control panel, online security
October 13th, 2014 at 1:32 pm
great news!