How to backorder an expiring killer domain name from the Control Panel (tutorial)

The domain backordering service allows you to attempt to re-register an attractive domain that expires within the upcoming few days, the moment it is brought back to the pool of available domains.
This is a great way for you and your customers to try to lay hands on website names that are, first of all, easy to remember and spell, and second – have already a certain search engine credit because of their age.
Backordering a domain (for now, this is only possible for .COM and .NET domains) on our web hosting platform is really easy.
Following is an example of how you can backorder an attractive domain with a few clicks of the mouse:
Let’s say that you want to register a domain for your new website, which offers spy gadgets.
1. In the Web Hosting Control Panel, go to the Domain Backorders section of the Domain Manager:

2. Using the domain search controls, you can refine your search results to get only suggestions you’d be interested in.

In this example, we have selected to get results for short domains (between 2-6 characters), which feature letters only and words from the dictionary. Also, to narrow down our search, we have specified the keyword ‘spy’ to be featured in the domain. These are all basic requirements for an attractive, keyword-worthy domain name.
3. When ready with the search specifications, just click on the SEARCH button to get a list of all available relevant options:

4. Take a close look at the available options and select the one that you find most attractive for your site. In our example, the suggestion looks like a great match for our spy gadget site.

5. When ready with your choice, just click on the Backorder link on the right.

5. You will be now taken to your Control Panel wallet from where you can place your order for the selected domain.
If you do not have credits in your wallet yet, you can refill it from the Wallet section by clicking on the Refill Wallet button on the top right:

Once you manage to get your backordered domain, you will be able to renew it at a regular price.
Please note that placing a backorder does not guarantee that you will register the domain you have requested, Since domain backordering is a first-come-first-served process, we might be unsuccessful in our attempt to register the domain for you.
Also, the deposited amount is non-refundable, so if we do not succeed in registering the domain for you, you could use the funds for another service of your choice.
Originally published Friday, August 8th, 2014 at 4:00 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Domain Names.Tags: Domain Names