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Upcoming domain price uplift for a number of TLDs
Following current market trends, we are adjusting registration fees for certain domain extensions. Find detailed information about these changes on our blog.
WordPress community shake-up: 5 WordPress alternatives to you may need to consider at times of uncertainty
During these uncertain times in the WordPress community, we’ve compiled a few decent alternatives to the popular CMS that you may want to consider if the open source business disruption continues.
A few key tips for keeping your site secure for maximum SEO performance
Check out our blog post for some helpful tips on how to keep your site healthy for maximum search performance and user trust.
A few budget-friendly ways to leverage AI in your marketing
AI is revolutionizing marketing, enhancing content creation and optimizing processes. This provides a cost-effective opportunity for small businesses to improve their brand promotion tactics. Explore our list of free AI tools to integrate artificial intelligence into your marketing initiatives.
NVMe storage is now enabled across our entire hosting platform
We have implemented pure NVMe storage across our entire web hosting network as part of the Free Reseller Program, ensuring optimal performance. Find additional information in the blog post.
Upcoming price increase on shared hosting plans and selected TLDs
There will be a price increase for our standard shared web hosting plans and some TLDs in the near future. Read more about that in our blog.
More Xeon dedicated server setups now available in the UK data center, one is a brand new E5-2630L V4 configuration
The number of dedicated server setups supporting a UK data center location option keeps growing. Check out our blog for more details.
ResellersPanel turns 21 years old! We celebrate with a host of VPS, KVM, semi-dedicated, and cPanel reseller deals
It’s ResellersPanel’s 21st Birthday and we are celebrating with a host of festive promo campaigns on selected VPS, semi-dedicated, and cPanel solutions
A UK data center option enabled for the Xeon E3 V5 server
We are happy to announce a UK data center location option for the entry-level Xeon dedicated server. Learn more from our blog.
The “Manage Accounts” feature for Hepsia-managed VPS and dedicated servers has undergone a significant enhancement
An updated and more user-friendly “Manage Accounts” section now allows users of Hepsia-enabled VPS and dedicated servers to create and manage subaccounts under their primary account.
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