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ResellersPanel's Blog

Coming Soon: VPS Servers Hosted in Australia

If you follow our blog, you already know that now we also have a data center in Sidney, Australia. For the moment, this data center can only house shared web hosting accounts. However, we are working on the subject and very soon our customers will be able to purchase Virtual Private Servers there too.

Speaking of Virtual Private Servers, we have some more news for you – we have modified our new Hepsia Control Panel to run on VPS servers! As for the Operating System, for the moment the Control Panel runs on Debian, but in the following weeks we will also port it to CentOS and Ubuntu, making it a true multi-platform solution. For example, the cPanel web hosting Control Panel runs only on CentOS.

And before I forget, we will soon be offering Virtual Private Servers in our UK data center as well.

The aforementioned services will be made available in the following weeks, so don’t forget to regularly check our blog for updates.

Originally published Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 at 1:55 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Latest News, The Free Reseller Program.

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One Response to “Coming Soon: VPS Servers Hosted in Australia”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » VPS servers in AU & UK data centers Says:

    […] few weeks ago I informed you that we were working towards enabling you to order VPS servers in our new Australian data center and in our UK data center. And, as of today, this is now […]

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