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Online Security

How to ensure CMS website security

How to ensure your CMS website security in 2019 (the basics)

Educating yourself about website security is very important nowadays. Check out the basic steps you can take on your own to safeguard your website from online abuse.
Lilocked Lilu ransomware we are patched

A new Lilocked (Lilu) ransomware infects thousands of servers. We are patched!

A new ransomware called Lilocked (or Lilu) has recently been targeting Linux-based servers exclusively. We are glad to inform you that our servers are patched and your content is immune to infection.
Exim CVE-2019-10149 vulnerability patch

Critical RCE vulnerability affects half of email servers online. We are patched so you are safe on our platform!

A critical RCE security flaw has impacted over half of the Internet’s email servers. We’ve patched our servers so you are safe on our platform!
Site recovery plan - suggestions

Do you have a recovery plan for your site? Here are some tips for you to keep in mind

Maintaining an uninterrupted online presence is not an easy task. Check out our list of measures that you could take to make sure you are prepared to respond to any eventual performance issues that almost no one online is immune to.
Latest cyber security report

Cybersecurity trends and challenges according to the latest Neustar report

Learn more about cyber security trends and what we could expect from the ‘bad guys’ according to the latest report from Neustar – a leading security services provider who are also the registry behind .US and whom we have accreditation with.
How to increase php security

How to strengthen the security of your PHP code

Check out our selection of proven tips for strengthening your web environment and keeping the PHP configuration less susceptible to malicious activities.
GDPR vs privacy-protected Whois

Privacy Protected vs GDPR Protected Whois – the key differences

Learn more about the key differences between GDPR-protected and Whois Privacy shielded data so you can make an informed choice about the privacy of your domain details.

What is the GDPR and what is our path to GDPR compliance?

Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will come into force on May 25, 2018, will ‘overhaul’ the way businesses handle their customers’ information and will ensure utmost data protection. Learn more about the principles of the GDPR and about our approach to GDPR compliance.

9 proven tricks to protect your WordPress site from attacks (2016 update)

WordPress is very popular and that makes it an ideal target for hackers. Check out our 9 proven tricks to protect your WordPress site from attacks
Hepsia cloud hosting platform vs mainstream solutions

Hepsia vs the mainstream client-centric cloud hosting platforms

Check out how our custom-built Hepsia cloud hosting platform fares against the paid mainstream solutions on the market.

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