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For Reseller Novices: Our Answers to Some Of Your Most Frequently Asked Questions

Last week we posted an article on how to quickly kickstart your reseller hosting presence. This article seems to have made an impact on some of you, since we have received a lot of questions on how to further set up the free reseller store(s).
Considering your emails in our mailbox, we, at ResellersPanel, decided to compose a very quick FAQ summary of the questions you sent us with their corresponding quick replies from our knowledge database. Let’s start with the questions over our reseller services:

Q: Are there any hidden fees with the Free Reseller Program?
A: It is our leading principle to always keep things on the surface, so when we say that the reseller program is free, we do mean that. No charges are imposed on you – you can pay for a service only if you decide you want to.

Q: I see your templates, but I want to design my own reseller hosting store. How can I use that store with your hosting program?
A: We realize that the templates we offer do not fully come up to the web design requirements of everyone. This is why, we have several options for those who want to have their very own hosting store, or wish to integrate the web hosting store project into their already set up site. For those, we have prepared the Remote Forms, a quick and easy way to have a customized store. The remote forms will allow you to use our ready-made order form, domain search form and login form with any site that you want. And the integration is more than easy – you simply have to copy the HTML code for any particular form you need and use it with your website. And for those of our resellers who want to be in full control of their store set-up, we have prepared our improved Reseller API solution. Using it allows you to stay in charge of all the payments, that will be made from your reseller hosting store.
We can go on explaining in details how the API works, but we will save that for another post, dedicated entirely to the API platform.

Q: I see that you have an Affiliate Program, how does that work?
A: Our Affiliate Program is a very good way for making money, without having to actually resell anything – you simply have to refer people to our reseller hosting website. Once they sign up, you will receive 10% of all sales made by them AND their clients. And if your referrals turn out to be very successful resellers – you should not worry since this will bring more incoming profits for you too. Again, we will not go into details about the Affiliate Program, since we have prepared a special post just for it, too.

Q: Can you use your service from anywhere in the world?
A: Yes, we have no country-based restrictions, so you can enjoy our services from anywhere in the world and offer web hosting plans to anyone out there.

We have also prepared a detailed FAQ section in the Support Section our site, which contains the answers to all questions not answered here and a lot of additional useful information, too. And, if you have a question, and you can’t find the answer there, you can always use our contact form or open a support ticket from your Reseller Control Panel – our support team will be on the case right way and you will receive the expected answer in less then 1 hour!

With Regards, from ResellersPanel

Originally published Thursday, February 19th, 2009 at 9:08 am, updated July 2, 2024 and is filed under The Free Reseller Program.

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