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A Coupon Code Generator has been included in the Reseller Control Panel

Coupon codes in the Reseller Control Panel

Well, it is finally a fact – а along-awaited key marketing tool has been added to the Reseller Control Panel.

Now you can offer your customers a discount on all of your hosting services, straight from your reseller hosting interface.

The coupon codes will be immediately visible on the order form on your store and will be calculated against your profit margin.

For now, any coupon codes that you create through the new generator will be applicable to all services offered on your store, including web hosting plans, semi-dedicated servers, Virtual Private Servers and dedicated servers.

However, we’ll keep working to implement an option for the coupons to be generated per service in the near future.

How to access the Coupon Generator?

You will find the new Coupon Code Generator in the header area of the Reseller Control Panel, right next to your ‘Reseller To-Do’ wizard:

Coupon Generator in the Reseller Control Panel

Since it is in the header area, it will be visible from all the sections of the Control Panel.

How does the Coupon Generator work?

In the generator’s pop-up window, you will find the following coupon settings:

1. Coupon Name – here you should enter the name of the coupon code as it will appear on your store. This is the code that your clients will have to supply on the order form to get the discount that you offer.

Coupon Generator - enter coupon name

2. Select Storeselect the store that you want to generate a coupon code for.

Coupon Generator - select store

3. Coupon Discount – here you need to enter the percentage of your discount. Please enter the value only, without ‘%’ at the end.

Coupon Generator - coupon discount

When done with your coupon settings, just click on the Generate button on the right:

Coupon Generator - generate coupon

You can create as many coupon codes as you want, according to the various occasions/holidays that you may want to take advantage of.

Here is how the table of coupons will look like on a store that offers discount coupons for Halloween and Thanksgiving:

Coupon Generator - generated coupon codes

Once a coupon is generated, you can edit its name and discount percentage at any time. Just click on the Edit icon on the right and fill in the new values:

Coupon Generator - edit coupon

Also, using the Delete icon right next to the Edit icon, you can delete a coupon from your store.

How will the Coupon Generator affect my prices?

The discount coupons that you generate will apply only to the profit margin set for your hosting offers/domain names.

You will not be able to sell hosting accounts or domain names at prices, which are lower than the wholesale ones.

If you set a discount, which is higher than your profit, your customer will be charged the wholesale price for the given hosting offer and he/she will not be able to take advantage of the offered discount. In this case, you will not make any profit from the sale in question.

This is why, you need to always test out your coupons prior to marketing them to your customers.

To avoid confusion when calculating your discount correctly, we recommend that you first increase the price for each service by a certain percentage from the respective Pricing section under My Offers:

Coupon Generator - increase prices hint

This way, when you generate your coupon code, it will certainly not go beyond your profit margin.


– The discount coupons are not applicable to domain names and upgrade services;

– The discount coupons are available only for new customers. All hosting plan renewals will be charged at full price;

– The discount coupons are available only on the new order form, which goes with the WordPress reseller hosting themes and the fully-responsive Store Master theme;

– We’ll soon add a set of fully customizable coupon-optimized banners to the Store Master theme’s Аdmin Аrea, so that you can easily promote the coupons on your store;

Originally published Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 at 4:33 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under The Free Reseller Program.

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