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Videos now available on turn-key templates

Since last week, we have been working on our latest project – reseller videos, which will be present on the turn-key templates that we are offering under our Free Reseller Program. As of today, everyone using one of our templates should see a brand new introduction video on their website. This video will be played automatically every time a website is being visited for the first time. After that, the video will require a click to be played.

Our resellers gave us a timely feedback and we were able to quickly improve this new feature. As a result, we have now added a special “Video” section in the Reseller Control Panel. It is accessible from the Website Template menu.

From this section you can now enable or disable video autoplay, or disable the video completely. However, if you want to keep this new video on your web page, you can select a thumbnail, which will be used as the first frame for the video – it will be shown on your website, once the video has been seen already.

Just like with all the changes that you’ve made from within the Reseller Control Panel, make sure that you click on the Quick Template Update button to force the updates on your website.

Originally published Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 at 12:38 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Latest News.

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4 Responses to “Videos now available on turn-key templates”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » Two new videos added to the reseller templates Says:

    […] the video on the home page of the reseller front-store templates, we went ahead and added two brand new videos – the Domain […]

  2. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » Dedicated and Semi-Dedicated Servers videos added to reseller templates Says:

    […] the video on the home page, the videos for the domain names and the virutal private servers, now it’s time for the next […]

  3. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » Template videos now available for embedding Says:

    […] we released the new videos for the reseller templates, not a day has passed without someone asking us if there is a way for them to use the videos on a […]

  4. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » Change the video language on your reseller template Says:

    […] lot of feedback from our resellers and one of the most commonly requested things was to update the videos available on the reseller templates with American English instead of British English. And, as of […]

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