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New stats widget available in the Hepsia Control Panel

Stats widget available in the Hepsia Control PanelIf you log into your Web Hosting Control Panel, you will see a brand new Stats widget on the index page – this is one of the latest projects of our lead developer.

It will help customers check the most important website statistics right from the home page – how many visitors they have, where the visitors come from, etc.

Of course, all these stats are also available in the Webalizer stats tool that we offer, but having them on the home page is much more user-friendly.

What is the new Stats widget about?

Here is some more information about this new stats tool and about how it works:

The stats are not gathered automatically, since that will cause too much server load – they start getting generated as soon as someone logs in the Control Panel.

This does not apply to some of the stats in the General tab – they will be gathered no matter if you are logged in or not.

The home screen stats are also not saved – only the info in the General tab will be available constantly for 24 hours.

The rest of the stats will be reset within one hour after the users end their Control Panel session.

While a user is logged in the Control Panel, the stats on the home page will refresh automatically, depending on the Internet connection.

What are the main metrics displayed in the Stats widget?

Here is some more detailed info on what the stats represent:

General stats

New general stats in Hepsia Control Panel

Hostname: the name of your website

Hits: the total number of requests made to the server during a given time period.

Each file counts as a different hit – this means that for a single HTML page there can be several hits.

Pages: those URLs that would be considered the actual page being requested, and not all the individual items that make it up (such as graphics and audio clips).

Some people call this metric page views or page impressions, and defaults to any URL that has an .htm, .html or .cgi extension.

Traffic: the traffic your website has generated, measured in MB Vistors: the total number of daily visitors so far

Online: the visitors that are on your website at the present moment


IP: the IP address of a given visitor. Icons represent the browser agent and the visitor’s country.

A click on the IP will open a modal dialog box with detailed IP information and a map. You will also see the pages the visitor has seen.

Time on Site: how much time a given visitor has spent on your website

Hits: the total number of requests the visitor has made to the server during the given time period Pages: how many pages the visitor has seen

Traffic: the traffic the visitor has generated, measured in MB Last visited page: the last page the visitor was at before exiting your website

Distribution by country

This section represents a map indicating where your visitors come from.

Very suitable if you want to target a specific region.

Search engine stats

Hostname: the name of your website Search Engine: the search engine that has visited your website

Hits: the number of hits the search engine bot has made

Traffic: the traffic the bot has made, measured in MB

Last Visit: the last time the bot visited your website Referred Visitors: the number of visitors that have come to your website via this search engine

The new Stats widget adds to the user-friendliness of the Control Panel and is a great new selling point for your web hosting services. 

Originally published Monday, August 22nd, 2011 at 10:50 am, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Latest News, The Free Reseller Program.


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