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AWStats available on all servers

As of last week, we now have the AWStats tool available on each of our web hosting servers. They are accesible from the Web Statistics menu in the control panel. AWStats will not replace the Webalizer tool we have been using – both stats tools are available to each of your customers.

Currently, the AWStats tools contains only data for February, 2012. If a customer needs statistical information about his traffic for another month, he should refer to the Webalizer tool.

While both stat tools work for the same sites, there can be a little difference in the stats they gather, due to the different algorithms used by each programs to calculate statistics.

We have deployed the lastet version of the AWStats software – 7.0.

Originally published Friday, March 2nd, 2012 at 1:59 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Latest News.

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