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The Domain Manager plan has been upgraded to include an email service

Email in the Domain Manager plan

2018 has only just begun, but we are already working hard to complete all the projects that have remained unfinished.

One of the most sought-after features last year was the integration of an email service into the Domain Manager plan.

The latter now includes the option to create and manage mailboxes and send/receive emails, just like a regular web hosting account does, thus taking the Domain Manager plan one step closer to the ‘real’ hosting service.

What is the Domain Manager upgrade about?

The Domain Manager plan is the smallest of all the packages on our platform and it targets a specific niche – namely people who do not need or are not yet ready to commit to a fully fledged hosting account.

This allows for customers to order sole domain name registrations/transfers from your store and to manage all of them from one and the same place without the need to invest in a web hosting account to achieve that.

The Domain Manager plan is great for users who want to lay their hands on an attractive domain name for a given future project before anyone does.

So far, domain owners have only been able to register and transfer domain names and to edit some basic settings (Whois details, name servers, domain parking pages, etc.).

The integration of the emailing functionality takes the Domain Manager plan to a whole new usage level.

It allows domain owners to send and receive electronic messages, i.e. to make actual use of their domain names.

This way, clients can have personalized email addresses for their individual or business needs right from the start.

Why is the email upgrade so valuable?

The addition of the emailing functionality to the Domain Manager plan represents a great selling point for your basic offering.

Here are its two key advantages:

  • added value for domain owners

The Domain Manager plan-included email service gives domain owners the option to manage their emails through you, which takes them one step closer to becoming full-fledged hosting clients of yours.

Also, you’ll be able to target users wishing to avoid the hassle and the expense of building and managing a full-blown website just to have custom mailboxes for business or personal use.

After all, it’s much more affordable and this is exactly what you are going to give them.

If, for example, you arе a freelance translator and do not want to invest in a website for the time being, you can register a domain (e.g. via the Domain Manager and add a mailbox under it (e.g. This way, you can keep in touch with your potential customers using your personalized email address.

  • increased chances of upgrading to a hosting plan

Allowing domain owners to start creating emails under their domains gives them the chance to sample the hosting service that you are offering and to build trust with your brand.

This, in turn, will help crystallize their desire to upgrade their domain-only plan to a more powerful web hosting package.

The email upgrade will definitely put you in a very advantageous position from a marketing point of view and will help you generate more upgrades to paid hosting packages.

How to make use of the new email feature?

The new emailing functionality is available to all new Domain Manager plan users.

You will recognize it by the Mails icon on the domain management dashboard’s index page.

Domain Manager plan - email feature added

Once you’ve clicked on it, you’ll be taken to the well-known Email Manager interface, which is accessible to all regular web hosting account owners who are using the Hepsia Control Panel.

Domain Manager plan - email section

From there, your customers will be able to create mailboxes, to set up email forwarding and autoresponder messages, to create mailbox spam filters, etc., i.e. they will be able to perform all important email management operations.

Domain Manager - email features

By taking into account the regular email usage on our platform, we’ve set specific quotas with respect to the maximum number of mailboxes and the total amount of email storage space.

This way, we’ll prevent the use of the emailing functionality for abusive purposes and will cater only to customers’ real email hosting needs.

Uses can find more details in the Account usage section of their Domain Manager accounts.

Originally published Wednesday, January 24th, 2018 at 5:34 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Domain Names.

3 Responses to “The Domain Manager plan has been upgraded to include an email service”

  1. Kaveh Jamali Says:

    Unfortunately this feature is not available yet, would you please check it?

  2. resellerspanel Says:

    Hello Kaveh, it has taken some time for the email manager to be included in existing domain accounts. Could you please check on our end now? Just look for the Emails icon on home page of the Control Panel.

  3. esmoker Says:

    So what are the maximum number of mailboxes per domain and the total amount of email storage space per user account?

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