ResellersPanel's Blog
Posts Tagged ‘online security’
How to quickly fix a base64-infected website
Base64 attacks are quite common these days. Here is a handy guide on how anyone can fix a base64 hacked website really quickly.
Our customer service email used in a phishing attack
One of our customer service email addresses –, has been illegally used in a PayPal phishing campaign. Learn about the measures we’ve taken to ward attackers off.
SSLs on shared IPs for all cPanel services
Now cPanel users can also install an SSL on their sites by using a shared IP address. This is a great solution for securing a search engine-friendly https site without needing to buy a dedicated IP address beforehand.
Another SSL vulnerability – the POODLE bug, has surfaced. Server-side measures taken.
A new SSL vulnerability has been brought to light by Google experts – a weakness in the SSL 3.0 protocol could now be used to eavesdrop critical data that is transferred over an encrypted connection between web clients and servers.
Password Setup interface added for new web hosting accounts
Web hosting account passwords will now be generated by users through a special online password generation interface. It will work for both signups and password resets.
A ‘Jail Host’ option added to the arsenal of security features in Hepsia
Learn more on this one-of-a-kind anti-hack protection feature and be the first to promote it to your security-sensitive customers:
The site security options on our platform that are under customers’ control
Check out the security tools your customers can make use of to tweak the level of protection on their sites according to their particular needs.
More system security measures – FTPs encryption now enabled on all servers
In an effort to ensure full encryption of the client protocols on our platform, we have now enabled SSL-encrypted FTPS connections on all hosting servers.
Guaranteed security or how we make sure that your customers’ websites are safe and sound 24/7
This is the first of a series of articles dedicated to building a successful online presence. The following article is dedicated to security.
Assistance with hacked/defaced websites
When a website is hacked or defaced, restoring it could be a difficult job. Our 24×7 tech support team is here to provide assistance whenever possible.
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