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Posts Tagged ‘MySQL’

Unlimited MySQL storage for predefined hosting plans

All predefined web hosting plans, provided by ResellersPanel now come with unlimited MySQl storage! Find out more about this in our latest blog post.

Optimize the Apache Configuration

Fine-tune the Apache web server on your VPS or Dedicated Server in order to improve the server’s performance and decrease memory usage. Learn how to do so with the help of our latest blog post.

WHM MySQL Optimization

Fine-tine the MySQL service on your VPS or Dedicated Server to boost the overall performance. Learn how to do it with the help of our latest blog post.

cPanel reseller tutorials – the AwStats tool

The cPanel control panel is the most popular control panel out there, so it never hurts to know more about the features it has. Today, we will take a closer look at the AwStats web statistics tool.

Custom reseller plans with no database support

To be more competetive in the web hosting market, a reseller should always have a variety of web hosting plans on offer, to appeal to a wider audiance. But sometimes in the quest for low prices, an importnat feature is forgotten – databases support.

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – Remote MySQL connections

Today, we will be looking at one of the most interesting features of the cPanel control panel, which can become very useful in the right hands – the remote MySQL.

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – create new MySQL database

Today, our focus turns to MySQL and the cPanel control panel, and more specifically, on how to create a new database. Detailed video and step-by-step tutorials are available in the full post.

cPanel Reseller Tutorials – MySQL databases

MySQL databases are something very useful and you just have to have MySQL with your web hosting account. But, what is MySQL? Today, our own support supervisor is here with a great article on MySQL, SQL and databases in general.

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