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Posts Tagged ‘Hepsia control panel’

The RoundCube Webmail Client Update

The RoundCube Webmail Client in the Hepsia Control Panel has been updated to the latest version. Learn what is new in our latest blog post.

New Geolocation Functionality Added to the Hepsia Control Panel

The Hepsia Cotnrol Panel now offer a brand new GeoIP redirection functionality. Learn more about it in our latest blog post.

A New Drop-Down Menu in the Hepsia Control Panel

The Hepsia Control Panel has a brand new drop-down menu with improved functionality. Learn more about them in our latest blog post.

Varnish, Node.js and Memcached available in Hepsia Control Panel

The Varnish, Node.js and Memcached tools are now available in the Hepsia Control Panel. Learn more about them in our latest blog post.

Turkish language added to Hepsia control panel

The Hepsia Control Panel is available in ten languages – our latest addition is Turkish. Find more about this and how you can benefit from translating the control panel in the full post.

German language added to Hepsia control panel

The Hepsia control panel is now available in nine languages – our latest addition is German. Learn more about this and how you can benefit from translating the control panel in our latest blog post.

New stats widget available in the Hepsia Control Panel

We are glad to introduce a brand new stats widget to the home page of the Hepsia Control Panel. Find more about this new stats tool in our latest blog post.

Website Installer tool available in Hepsia Control Panel

We have a great new tool available in the Hepsia Control Panel – the Website Installer. Learn more on this new tool and how to use in our latest blog post.

Hepsia Control Panel Translations

Are you interested in seeing the Hepsia control panel translated in your native language? If so, take a look at our latest blog post.

A new Web Hosting Control Panel login form

We have developed a new login page for web hosting customers – customers will now be able to choose between the Hepsia control panel and our old control panel.

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