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ResellersPanel's Blog

Hepsia Control Panel pre-release preview

In the following weeks, we are about to release a brand new web hosting control panel!

While our developers are putting the finishing touches and fixing a few minor bugs, I’m glad to present you with the new introduction video for our Hepsia Control Panel :

This new control panel comes with a completely reworked file and domain managers and a revamped user interface.

Below you will find a few screenshots, so you can see how the control panel will look.

The new control panel home page:

The new control panel file manager:

The new control panel email manager:

Originally published Thursday, July 1st, 2010 at 2:11 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under Latest News.

One Response to “Hepsia Control Panel pre-release preview”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » The beta version of the Hepsia Control Panel is here! Says:

    […] been telling you for months now that we have a brand new Control Panel in the works – we have showed you several videos (file upload and general file manipulations) and […]

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