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cPanel reseller tutorials: configuring your mail client

If you name 5 things you can barely live or work without, email will, without doubt, rank very high among them. And getting your email to work can be a difficult task – no one likes to deal with all of these settings and functions, having no idea what has to be actually done.

This is why, today, Chris from our cPanel support team has prepared a detailed guide on how to set up your email client with your cPanel hosting account and get your mail working in a matter of minutes.


  1. In Microsoft Outlook, go to the E-mail Accounts menu, then select Tools.
  2. The E-mail Accounts wizard window will pop up, follow the instructions on it and select Add a new e-mail account, then click Next
  3. For your server type, select POP3 or IMAP, and then click Next.
  4. On the Internet E-mail Settings (POP3/IMAP) window, enter your information as follows:
  1. On the Internet E-mail Settings window, go to the Outgoing Server tab.
  2. Select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.
  3. Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server.
  4. Go to the Advanced tab, and then change the Outgoing server (SMTP) port to 26 for non SSL connection or 465 for SSL connection.
  5. Click Ok.
  6. Click Next. Verify that everything is set up correctly.
  7. Click Finish.


  1. Start Mozilla Thunderbird, go to the Tools menu and select Account Settings.
  2. Select Email account, and click Next.
  3. Enter your name and e-mail address.
  4. Select POP3 or IMAP as the type of incoming server you are using. Your incoming server is for both POP/IMAP. Click Next.
  5. Enter your e-mail address for the Incoming User Name, and or emailuser* (should be replaced with the actual user assigned to the actual domain name) for the Outgoing User Name. Click Next.
  6. Enter a name for your email account and click Next.
  7. Carefully verify your account information and click Finish.
  8. In the Account Settings window, select Outgoing Server (SMTP)listed at the bottom of the Settings Frame, below all created email accounts.
  9. Click the “Edit” button. At the SMTP Server screen, complete the fields so that they appear as described below:

    Server Name:

    Port: 26

    Use name and password: check the box (this refers as “My Outgoing Server requires Authentication” in Outlook)

    Username: or username*

    Use secure connection: leave as default
  10. Click Ok.
  11. Go back to the Server Settings area for the particular email account you just created.
  12. Click on the Outgoing SMTP Server drop-down menu and select the Serer you have just added in steps 8,9,10.
  13. Click Ok.
  14. Your email account is now set up.

MailAPP – Mac

  1. Start the Program

    Locate the Mail program either from your dock menu or from the Applications folder in the Finder. When you start Mail it will open a Welcome configuration screen if the program is not yet configured. You can enter the following information into this Welcome screen:

    Full Name: (Your First and Last Name);

    Email Address: (your email address);

    Incoming Mail Server: for both IMAP or POP;

    Account Type: POP or IMAP ;

    User Name: (the username you have chosen for the mail account);

    Password: (the password you have chosen for the mail account);

    Outgoing Mail Server: ;

    Select the OK button to continue to open the Mail program.
  2. Open Mail Preferences

    Before attempting to “Get Mail”, you need to make additional changes to the account. You can access the Preferences window by choosing Preferences from under the Mail menu.
  3. Setting Account Preferences

    At the top of the Preferences window, choose the Accounts icon or tab. This will display your accounts that are configured for use with the Mail application. You should now be able to see the account that you originally configured in step 1, and selecting this account should display the same information that you entered back in step 1.
  4. Within the Accounts Preferences window, choose the Advanced tab toward the top, along the right side of the screen. Do not check the Use SSL option, check the box “Use authentication when sending mail” and confirm that the Authentication is set to “MD5 Challenge-Response”. Set the outgoing SMTP Port to 26.
  5. The setup is complete. Proceed to checking your newly created mailbox.


  1. 1. In Eudora, select “Create a brand new email account” and click the Next button.
  2. Give this email account an identifying label. Sort the personalities by job hierarchy, job positions, etc, personal preferences, etc.
  3. In the Personal Information field, type your name the way you would like people to see it when they get email from you. Click Next.
  4. In the Email Address field, put in the email address that you are now creating a mailbox for. Click Next.
  5. Type in your login name in the next field. This is the mailbox name, e.g. Click Next.
  6. Select the Incoming Server connection type – POP or IMAP. Add the Incoming Server in both cases. Click Next.
  7. To send mail, you need to have the Outgoing mail server identified correctly. At the next step add as an Outgoing Mail Serer and check the box “Authentication allowed”.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish.


  1. Click the Start button.
  2. Point to All Programs.
  3. Click Outlook Express.
  4. In Microsoft Outlook Express, from the Tools menu, select Accounts.
  5. Go to the Mail tab and from the Add menu, select Mail.
  6. In the Display Name field, enter you full name and click Next.
  7. In the E-mail address field, enter your email address and click Next.
  8. On the E-mail Server Names page, complete your information as follows:

    My incoming mail server is a: POP3 or IMAP.

    Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP) server

    POP – or IMAP –

    Outgoing mail (SMTP) server –
  9. In the Account Name and Password fields, enter your email address and password, and then click Next.
  10. On the setup confirmation page, click Finish.
  11. On the Mail tab, select the account you just created, and then click Properties.
  12. Go to the Servers tab
  13. Select My server requires authentication, and then click Apply.
  14. Your mail account set up is complete.
Originally published Friday, May 29th, 2009 at 6:07 pm, updated July 8, 2024 and is filed under cPanel Support.

3 Responses to “cPanel reseller tutorials: configuring your mail client”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » cPanel Reseller Tutorials - Email Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting Says:

    […] our last post of the cPanel tutorials series, Chris showed you how to configure your email client in a few simple […]

  2. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » cPanel reseller tutorials - create a new mailbox Says:

    […] To access your newly created email account, you can use the webmail clients, located at the following address : or For username you will have to use the complete mail address, ex: If you prefer to check your email with a mail client, you can use the guide Chris made, for setting up your mail client with your cPanel mailbox. […]

  3. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » cPanel Reseller tutorials - Webmail in the cPanel control panel Says:

    […] the past few weeks, Chris from our cPanel support team showed you how to configure your mail client with a cPanel account. However, while today almost every device […]

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