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Custom MetaTags in the Reseller Control Panel

Usually, when a new reseller under the free reseller program signs up and checks the reseller control panel, they have no idea what all the options are for.

Today, I will try to shed some light on a section, which is apparently a mystery to new and even to some experienced resellers – the verify-v1 and the y_key sections in the MetaTags menu, part of the Marketing Tools section.


This is a meta tag introduced by Google, which will verify that you are the site owner with Google Webmaster Tools. It can be obtained from your Google account and is needed for most Google tools to function with your template. This metatag will not do any SEO work for your website, but is very important for Google.


The y_key is a meta tag introduced by Yahoo. You will see it when you register with the Yahoo Site Explorer. This tool lets you explore all the web pages indexed by Yahoo and check statistics for your own website.

The code for both meta tags will be inserted into the section of the website and will allow you to monitor your site from your Google or Yahoo account.

Originally published Monday, September 14th, 2009 at 8:56 am, updated July 3, 2024 and is filed under The Free Reseller Program.

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One Response to “Custom MetaTags in the Reseller Control Panel”

  1. ResellersPanel Blog » Blog Archive » Google “verify-v1″ metatag updated Says:

    […] few posts ago, I wrote about the Metatags section in the Reseller Control Panel, when the importance of the “verify-v1” and the “y-key” meta tags was […]

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