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ResellersPanel's Blog

The Free Reseller Program

Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for April 2023

We have sent out all commission payments for April 2023 to partners who have reached their release level.
Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for March 2023

Today we are sending out all commission payments for March 2023 to resellers that have met their release level.
Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for February 2023

Today we are sending out all commission payments for February 2023 to resellers that have met their release level.
Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for December 2022

Today, we will be sending out all commission payments for December 2022 to resellers that have met their release level.
New TLD promotions across the free reseller program

Exclusive nTLD offers now live for a fresh beginning of 2023

We have activated more than 60 nTLD offers across our free reseller hosting platform. Learn more about the available domain promotions in our latest blog post.
Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for November 2022

Today, we will be sending out all commission payments for November 2022 to resellers that have met their release level.
Monthly commission payments

Commission payments for October 2022

Today, we will be sending out all commission payments for October 2022 to resellers that have met their release level.
Certificates for successful domain transfers now available

Domain transfer certificates now available

Starting today, we will begin awarding domain transfer certificates as well. Learn more from our latest blog post.

Major semi-dedicated server CPU upgrade

Just one month after the introduction of a new reference point for estimating our OpenVZ servers’ processing power – namely the number of CPU cores, it’s time for another upgrade. As of today, all Semi-dedicated 1 server users can use 1 CPU core to its full potential, whereas Semi-dedicated 2 server users – 2 whole cores! Learn more about this change from our blog.

A new remote Plan Table Form added to the Reseller Control Panel

Now you can easily integrate the tech specs of the services offered on your custom-made hosting store(s) by using the new Remote Plan Table form.

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