ResellersPanel’s 2019 in review

New Year brings hopes of fresh starts and new beginnings. It’s also a time for reflecting on what has gone before.

This is the perfect occasion for us, at ResellersPanel, to look back at the past year and raise the curtain on what we’ve planned for 2020.

2019 has been a year of shocking changes and great challenges for the web hosting industry such as the cPanel price increase and the continual acquisition of successful, independent brands by big corporations.

Amid the dynamic environment of the hosting market we’ve tried our best to stay calm and focus on reinforcing and improving our platform.

We’ve prioritised backing up your brand up with a stable and marketable service.

Here’s a quick review of some of the service improvements and upgrades that saw the light of the day throughout 2019:

A long-awaited, super-intuitive Site Builder

One of the most important events of 2019 was the introduction of the super-intuitive, Control-Panel integrated Site Builder.

The Site Builder became an instant hit among users thanks to its light, super easy to use interface and the variety of fully responsive and fully customizable design themes it is equipped with.

Allowing your clients to create unique, modern-looking sites with a point and click of the mouse, the Site Builder represents a great selling point for your business.

It comes free of charge with all web hosting packages and semi-dedicated servers, as well as with all OpenVZ VPS and dedicated servers which use our Web Hosting Control Panel.

A site performance testing guide for free trial accounts

Last year, we worked on improving the usability of free trial accounts and added a guide on how to easily test the performance of a website on our platform.

It walks users through the easy steps of running their existing websites from our servers without having to actually transfer them over.

This helps potential customers evaluate the quality of our web hosting services in real time and encourages them to move to a paid hosting account.

This update has led to an increased number of free trial conversions and has hence brought more paying customers to your brand.

An important Control Panel upgrade for advanced users

A new Control Panel functionality has been added to empower experienced users to select the PHP version they want to use for their projects with a click of the mouse.

By allowing users to set different PHP versions for different hosts, this new option enhances the level of control they have over the PHP settings of their web hosting account(s).

This option comes in handy if you want to run a few different applications which require different PHP versions installed in your account.

Service improvements and promo campaigns

Staying focused on service marketability, we equipped dedicated servers with new, larger SSD and HDD storage options and decreased the prices of most configurations long-term.

All that was aimed at helping you offer a great value proposition on the high-end server market.

Also, we added various, attractive, year-round and holiday promotions for most of the VPS plans to help you hook up new, solvent, virtual hosting clients more easily.

Minimized negative impact of the cPanel price hike

The most notable, global event of 2019 – the shocking change to cPanel’s license and billing model, brought a lot of turmoil to the industry.

The aftermath was a massive price hike across the entire cPanel-based web hosting industry.

Faced with such a great challenge, we had to figure out ways to absorb as much of the increased cPanel license cost as possible so as to minimize any negative impact on your business.

As a result of our efforts, we managed to postpone any price updates by a few months until we came up with a new, balanced pricing model.

Moreover – we added a new, budget cPanel plan for beginners.

ResellersPanel turned 16!

Last, but not least, in 2019 we hit a major milestone – ResellersPanel turned 16 years old!

The past 16 years have been an amazing journey for us thanks to your continuous support and valuable feedback.

This has inspired us to keep tweaking and re-tweaking our systems and processes to keep pace with your ever-evolving expectations.

We always aim to stay relevant and competitive in accordance with the market realities.

And for that, we want to thank you!

With the hopes of a continuing partnership in the coming year, we’d like to share a little sample of what we have planned for you in 2020:

  • A brand new version of the Reseller Control Panel is in the works. It’s coming along quite nicely and we think you will love it.
  • Monthly reports are coming up to inform you of the sales and profit numbers on a monthly basis. The reports will be sent via email in a clean format.
  • A monthly billing cycle is being worked on. We’ve done almost all of the work at our end, but we are in discussions with several banks to get the best deal possible.
  • More new features and functional improvements to the Web Hosting Control Panel are planned as well.