A few important updates to the PHP Settings section of the Control Panel

Our developers may be working from home due to the Coronavirus outbreak, but they are definitely not slacking off.

They keep working hard on a few important projects and in the meantime have made a significant update to the PHP Settings section of the Web Hosting Control Panel.

Here is what the new changes are about.

Visual changes to the PHP settings section

With the addition of new options and settings in the PHP settings section over time, it has become necessary for the interface to become more user-friendly for both newbies and experts.

This is why, we’ve made some visual changes to the way the options are arranged.

Now, all php.ini settings have been organized in their own separate menu.

Plus, we’ve added a brand new tab from where users can assign different PHP versions to each of their existing hosts.

With these changes, we hope users will be able to more efficiently manage their PHP settings.

Functional changes to the PHP settings section

The first significant change is the ability to assign a specific PHP version to each host in a given web hosting account.

While this was already possible via the “Edit Host” option in the Domain Manager, users can now do it much faster from a dedicated menu.

This makes it much easier for users to manage the PHP version for multiple hosts in the same account.

An important change has been made to the php.ini editor as well.

Until now, users have been able to edit the php.ini file for the currently selected PHP version only.

As of today, they will be able to freely choose the PHP version they want to modify without needing to set that PHP version as active for their account.

This could be very helpful if someone needs to manage multiple hosts running different PHP versions for compatibility reasons.

Now users can quickly edit the PHP settings for a given version without having to switch the whole account to that version and thus compromise the functionality of the other sites.

This gives users who manage multiple sites within one account much more freedom and flexibility to support different applications, frameworks, etc.

And with the “Jail Host” option in place, all hosts are completely secured from each other.

Thanks to its host insulation capabilities, none of the other hosts will be affected if something goes wrong.

For anyone looking to test out the new changes to the PHP settings section, we’d also recommend looking at our guide for securing PHP for your hosting account
