A live search option added to the Hepsia Control Panel

As the Web Hosting Control Panel gets bigger and feature-richer, it gets harder for users (especially for newcomers) to find their way through it easily.

This is why, we’ve enabled a live search functionality for the quick location of features and services within the Control Panel interface.

The live search option is located in the left-hand widget column and can easily be accessed from any section of the Control Panel.

Where is the live search option located?

If the user has not relocated the widgets in the left-hand column, they will see the live search option positioned at the top of the column, right above My Plan Details:

In case the user has made changes to the way the widgets are ordered, then the live search option will be located at the bottom of the column:

What are the principles of live searching?

Using the live search option, the users can reach every single section or feature in the Control Panel.

The search process itself is triggered by keywords of users’ choice. We have tried our best to compile a searchable database of as many keywords as possible and will keep expanding it over the course of time.

Here is an example of a quick live search:

Let’s say the user wants to take a look at their domains.

If they key in the general keyword ‘domains’, this will immediately prompt а quick live search response with two generic options – to go straight to the Domain Manager section or to its pertaining Help area:

If the user is more specific in their search, i.e. if they specify a particular action like, for example, ‘park a domain’, then they will be forwarded to the given sub-section of the Domain Manager.

What’s the best way to use the live search option?

Domain searches – if the user wants to go straight to a specific domain, they can type it in the search field; the search will instantly return the domain itself, as well as the mailboxes associated with it:

The user will also see a list of the most common domain/email management options pertaining to the domain in question:

Mailbox searches – if the user searches for a specific mailbox, they will see the options that are relevant to that mailbox only:

If the user fills in the “@” symbol followed by their domain, they will see all the mailboxes associated with that domain:

Database searches – the user can specify the name of a specific MySQL/PostgreSQL database. This will return various useful database management options, among them a quick phpMyAdmin/phpPgAdmin login option, a remote connection option and even a password reset option:

Application searches – the live search option also represents a quick shortcut to the applications in the App Installer.

For instance, if the user fills ‘wordpress’ in the search field, they will get a few options – to go to the installation page with the WordPress app pre-selected, to view a demo of a WordPress site, or to view all the installed WordPress sites for that particular account, if any.   

Invoice searches – by filling in an Invoice ID or a Recurring Contract ID, the user will be able to instantly see the details pertaining to a specific payment document.


The live search functionality is a great new Control Panel add-on, which is aimed at making the interface even easier to navigate and at helping your customers manage their sites, applications and emails much faster.

If you have suggestions based on your own experience with the live search functionality, feel free to share them with us.
