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Hepsia Control Panel

Hepsia Control Panel PHP website profiler

Performance monitoring is now possible with the PHP Website Profiler in the Hepsia Control Panel

Now, users can analyze the PHP code on their websites to find out how efficiently they run, identify the elements that could slow down performance, and more with this new tool.

Throwaway emails in Hepsia Control Panel

Our platform now supports throwaway emails for extra privacy protection

Our platform now offers the option to use throwaway emails, which are effective in managing unwanted communications and protecting your main email account. Read more in our blog post.

Hepsia Control Panel Statistics widget - 48h stats tab

Hepsia’s Statistics widget now presents data in a more informative way

The Control Panel’s Statistics widget has undergone several updates aimed at improving its user-friendliness. Learn more in our blog post.

Hepsia Control Panel guest users new-section

The Hepsia Control Panel now provides the ability to create guest users

We’ve made improvements to the Control Panel’s accessibility by allowing account owners to grant specific management rights to other users. Read more in our blog!

Handy shortcut keys added to the Hepsia’s File Manager

Now it’s much easier to work with the File Manager of the Hepsia Control Panel. Thanks to the newly added shortcut key functionality, you can now organize and manage your files quickly and easily, just like on your computer.

Hepsia PWA app install via Chrome extension

The Hepsia Control Panel now available as an app via a Chrome extension

The Hepsia Control Panel can now be used as a PWA app! It will help ensure a fast, app-like experience with the Hepsia dashboard and engage customers more efficiently.

WP-CLI is now supported on our cloud hosting platform

WP-CLI, a command line interface for WordPress is now fully supported on our cloud hosting platform, and on all dedicated servers and virtual servers that use the Hepsia panel.

New quick php settings in Control Panel

New PHP settings added to the Hepsia Control Panel

New, fast-access PHP settings have been added to the Control Panel. From now on, you can enable error_reporting, log_errors, and error_log with just a few clicks.

Cloudflare integration in the Hepsia Control Panel

Cloudflare integration in the Hepsia Control Panel

As of today, there is native Cloudflare integration in the Hepsia Control Panel. See how to use it in our latest blog post.

1-click Web Apps Installer updates

The 1-click Web Apps and Frameworks Installers have been updated with more new, popular installs

The 1-click Web Apps Installer and the Frameworks Installer have been refreshed with a host of new, popular open-source additions to their listings. Learn more from our blog.

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